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Factions are various non-player races, nations, or organizations that may become a feature of Skywanders with sufficient community support. They will likely appear in both multiplayer and single-player as NPC and (possibly) joinable groups, if/when they are implemented. As of the time of writing, there are 5 different (official) factions hinted at in various places.

Miscellaneous Factions


A rag-tag group of wanderers among the skies that are more of a friendly alliance than an official faction


The Petcha consist of close-knit social groups likely consisting of different species from all across the galaxy. They are considered outcasts by others, and may sometimes be pursed by the law for reasons which may vary in legitimacy. They are very similar to the vikings of our history, in that the name "Petcha" does not really refer to a faction, but rather anyone who fits the description - one who has (either through willing decision or unfortunate circumstances) gone to wander among the stars. They will usually travel in unorganized groups of Petcha who have simply decided to travel (or plunder, depending on their motivation) together. One who has been banished from their home is given the title "Petcha-Ta," or "cast-off wanderer" - a title taken with great shame.


The "ships" of the Petcha usually consist of parts from wreckage and debris cobbled together into something quite unique. They are built by the individual Petchas that use them, or on occasion groups of lightly organized pirates. They may vary in effectiveness, from a junk pile with an engine, to some of the fastest and most powerful refitted cargo freighters and shuttles in the Galaxy.


Not much to say here. They are nomadic and have yet to stake a claim on any significant portion of anywhere, although some small pirate groups may try to keep some small areas of space to themselves. (although due to the settling-down inherently required for that, some people decide to no longer call them true Petcha)

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The broken remnants of the Anti-Artura Coalition, comprising of many smaller houses. The three big boi houses below left this faction.

Its basically the space UN


This Faction consists of many, smaller houses and used to contain more powerful houses that left due to the coalition losing usefulness and power


Whatever ships the individual houses decided to have

May have made specialty ships, but idk yet


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The Three Houses


This House possesses the single largest and most powerful army and navy in the galaxy, and is very prone to use it to exert power and control over its territory.

They are kind of like the Galra before lord Zarkon went siko mode


The House Imperitus consists largely of heavily genetically modified citizens, especially in its military. They are led by a Monarch and 7 Arbiters, so, like, a monarchy.


Their navy consists of the most numerous, most powerful, and most immense ships in the galaxy. Their military is said to be especially large, too.


Possibly the faction with the greatest swath of Territory, but definitely the best control of it

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Gets large amounts of resources from the Senrai Mining Corporation, but is allegedly able to become self-sufficient if needed.


Massive mining corporation providing a large amount of resources to the galaxy


Made by 138 families that gathered together their mining ships to produce resources for House Imperitus


Mining Ships, Military Support by House Imperitus



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Supplies Significant Resources to House Imperitus


Basically the smart bois of the galaxy

Do not prefer combat, but are able to perform well if it comes down to it




Good Ships, Aliens


Probably a big empire far out in the Galaxy, but unconfirmed.

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Driven to "preserve life as much as possible" - a core part of their religion
